Going back to school assured for 270 Malagasy children thanks to WeWard!

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With the commitment of its users, WeWard was able to partner with the association Secours Populaire to rebuild a school destroyed by Madagascar's cyclone season.

A devastating storm leads to a generous mobilization

How did this kind of mobilization happen?

14 months ago, a violent cyclone destroyed 80% of the school in Belambo, Madagascar. This was not the first time this village had been hit by a cyclone. In January 2022, the school was hit for the third time!

The Fédération du Secours Populaire du Puy-de-Dôme (SPF63) has been working on projects in Madagascar for more than 50 years.

The partnership between WeWard and Secours Populaire offered the app's users the chance to use their wards as donations to offer a new school year in the best conditions to hundreds of Malagasy children.

Back in pictures :

This September 270 children will have access to education again!

The fundraising campaign organized between March and September 2022 mobilized a large section of the WeWard community. Several tens of thousands of euros were redistributed to SPF to allow local children to go back to school! The funds raised were invested in financing the school's furnishings and water supply as well as constructing toilets and the solar electrification system.

The reconstruction work began on November 3 when the foundation stone was laid.

Since January, the second phase of the project has been launched with the finishing work, the school furniture and the fence.

The inauguration is planned for June 2023 with the presence of the Secours Populaire alongside villagers and local representatives. For the 270 students, the long-awaited start of the school year is scheduled for September 2023.

‍"If someone gives you something, you should quickly say thank you very much" shouted the children of Belambo when the foundation stone of their future school was laid!

Anticipating a better future

In order to avoid new incidents, the reconstruction was carried out on a sturdy foundation to withstand future weather events. Built to anti-cyclone and anti-earthquake standards, Belambo's school will also be a refuge for villagers in case of new incidents!

Because education is the world's most powerful weapon, everything done to that end offers better prospects for tomorrow's world.

How to take part in humanitarian projects?

If you still want to convert your steps into donations, our app still gives you the opportunity to participate in funding many other projects.