In Nigeria, WeWard donations are changing the lives of 800 children

With the association Les Rois du Monde and the donation of millions of Wards by our users, we took part in renovating a school, constructing a well and distributing thousands of meals in Nigeria.
The hummingbird
In 2019, when we launched WeWard, we immediately wanted to add a charitable dimension to the app, allowing users to convert their Wards into micro-donations to recognized charities.
So of course, it's not a gift that changes the whole world. But when each of us does it, we can dream of reaching the stars! And that's what we're doing.
Les Rois du Monde
Les Rois du Monde, is one of the first associations we started working with in 2019. With its founder, Stéphanie Robert, WeWard's donations had notably helped fund Christmas gifts for hospitalized children and educational materials to break up their isolation.
At the beginning of 2022, Stéphanie contacted us for a new project. It was to take part in renovating a school in Nigeria that had become unsafe due to looting by the armed group Boko Haram. The challenge of collecting several million Wards on the application then began a few weeks later.

A school, a well, and thousands of meals
The generosity of WeWard users was very important and quickly, the sum was raised. At the end of June, our CEO Yves went to Nigeria to inaugurate the school, help set up a well, and to participate in the distribution of thousands of meal baskets also co-financed.
The renovation of the school allowed more than 800 children to return to the classroom. Symbolically, they carried several of them into the school building in a general euphoria - it was truly incredible. Access to education is still a privilege in Nigeria, and the children made that clear.
The donations also made it possible to fund several wells, including one sponsored by WeWard. Access to water in this region of Nigeria is very difficult, often requiring several kilometers to reach the few drinkable sources. These wells, which draw up water from deep aquifers, now let the inhabitants of several villages to considerably improve their living conditions. One memory that will never be forgotten was the joy that spread among the children who came to play with the water when the tap was turned on.
Finally, Yves participated in a meal distribution in a refugee camp in the region. The distress of the inhabitants was obvious and everyone had difficulty containing their emotion.

Continuing forward together
Of course, it would be a bit of a stretch to say that when we returned to France, we didn't see things the same way anymore. But it is indeed the case and more than ever so WeWard will continue to invest in gathering millions of little hummingbirds who, together, will be able to reach for the stars!